31 May 2022

During Week 5 this term we had two Mimosa PS students selected to represent Metro East at the 2022 Primary Australian Football All Schools Girls Championships. Ava Burns and Aerin Schmidt were selected in the strongest 22 girls from all schools in Sydney Metro East (the Northern, Eastern and Southern suburbs of Sydney) to compete in the state championships in Coffs Harbour. The 2-day tournament saw the girls test their skills against the strongest players in the state.
Day 1 saw the girls play an amazing level of football, not even having a point scored against them, defeating the Mid-North Coast & Inland (38-0), South Coast (65-0) and Northern Coastal & Inland (74-0). Day 2 saw Metro East defeat Metro West (24-2) before advancing to the Grand Final against Southern Inland. In a tight contest on a very wet field Metro East was crowned Champions with a 24-14 victory!
A huge congratulations to Ava and Aerin on winning the gold medal at the All Schools Australian Football Championships. This is an amazing effort and one we are all proud of at Mimosa PS.