Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.
Sport and physical education are an integral part of the Mimosa Public School's PDHPE curriculum for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Student involvement is high because the community values participation in both recreational and competitive sport. Students of all ages and ability levels are catered for through school and district programs. There is an emphasis on participation, skills training and sportsmanship at all times.
Mimosa Public School provides an extensive sports program catering for all levels of ability such as carnivals (swimming, cross-country and athletics), gymnastics, dance, Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) sports and ball skills for younger students.
Interschool sport is organised through the PSSA and is played against other schools in the Warringah Zone Area. Warringah Zone offers this competition as a HPGE (High potential and gifted education) program for students in the sporting arena.
Children in Stages 2 and 3 may try out for a PSSA team. These weekly competitions are held on Friday mornings. PSSA summer sports are eagle tag, cricket, softball and t-ball. PSSA winter sports are AFL, soccer and netball. The number of students selected for each team depends on and is limited to the number of children required to take the field of play, plus reserves.
For more information on the selection process for PSSA sport, please refer to the following document.
Selection Process for PPSA Sport
School Sport is held at the same time as the PSSA competition. The School Sport program is aimed at developing students’ skills and game knowledge. The school will sometimes engage specialist providers with expertise in specific areas of sport, to deliver exciting and engaging programs
Annual carnivals are held for athletics, cross country and swimming and all the children who are aged 8 years and over may compete at these events. A special sports carnival day is held for children in Stage 1 with age races and lots of fun novelty events. Parents are encouraged to attend these fun and exciting days to cheer on their children and to assist with events when required.
The school runs a sport house competition during the year with every child and teacher belonging to one of the four sport houses:
- Acacia - Yellow
- Boronia - Blue
- Banksia - Green
- Waratah - Red.
Students in Year 2 participate in a 10 session intensive swimming program at Carlile Swimming Centre.